To me, religion is a faith you believe in. They teach you how to be a better human. Teach you what to avoid and all.
As a human being, we're not the most intellectual, however, I believe humans are intelligent enough to think and fend for ourselves. That's how we differentiate the right and the wrong. Although the image of Devil on the shirt is a debatable matter, however, I do not believe that they teaches the Devil's doing to their followers. Come on, you must have some sense to tell u, its just a mascot. Mascot can be anything, even a bug can be a mascot for a team...if you like it.
Malaysia is a very multicultural and multi religion country. Back then, if I'm not mistaken, History text books from secondary school states that this country is special because of that, and it is achieved by respecting other religions. Hey come on, how is this respecting the other religion? Its like relating Christianity's Holy Cross with the Devil? Unwearable? Gosh...its just a cross. Have faith in your people. Do not think they are mindless souls who will be easily moved. Are you lacking faith in your own religion?