Today, my friend Joey and I were sitting in the class. We should be listening to the lecturer, but, no, we failed. We were discussing, or more like I'm telling him some of my philosophies. Basically here's what we came up with.
First, I deem children, all children are products. Expensive products. WHY???
If you make love without using contraceptive, in example, condoms, you will produce babies. They eventually become children and to adult. Again, why are children expensive??? There are just countless things to spend on when it comes to children. You need to feed them, unless you have 3-4 wives with endless supply of milk, milk powder is the way. They aren't cheap nowadays with all those DHA, Omega3, EPL, BPL etc etc. The companies know how to maximize profits with just a few cows. That is just an example, you still have school fees, PIBG fees, books, bags, uniforms, shoes, food, college/universities fees, allowance money, insurance fees and so on. Its endless.
From there, I can say, there is a relationship between number of products and products life quality. Products life quality, Pq is indirectly proportional to number of products, Pn. This means, the more products you make, intentionally or not, will affect the life quality of the products, because you simply have to split your earnings among them equally to ensure the right upbringing. This only applies if and only if you only earn a constant moderate value of money per annum.
Also, you might be making a loss if you produce 4 products in a short time, in example, 4-6 years. This is due to the uncertainty of the future of the products. They might not sell good (in example, can't secure a good job), therefore resulting in bad net profit. This will in the end affect your net profit of your lifetime, in other words, your (total salary + bonuses)-(all your spendings on products). There is always the risk factor there that will cause this probability, set at 0.5, which means "Yes, they fail to return profit" or "No, they returned the profit well".
However, there is no need to be so calculative with the ones you love. You "made" your children, you should be proud of them and yourselves (you and your wife). Always treat them equally. There shall not be bias. Love your children, eventhough they're just a product =)